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I Am An Affirmation Kid - A Coloring Book

I Am An Affirmation Kid - A Coloring Book


You know how we all wish we knew then what we knew now? Imagine if we had been using the power of affirmations from the first time we could speak. Let's help our kids with what we learned over all these years.


I drew this book specifically with our children in mind. The patterns are fun, the letters are open for coloring, and the book has enough pages to keep them busy all month. Even the youngest artist can handle these coloring pages (and if you really think they are too young, let them scribble all over and make a colorful mess). Once the book is fully colored, it can still sit on their nightstand as part of their morning and bedtime routines. 


8.5"x11", 30 pages, soft cover. And totally full of love.

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